Masters pre-sessional English  Studying pre-sessional English at Leeds

Study a pre-sessional course to improve your English language level and prepare for your Masters degree. 

Watch our recorded talk

Hear from current students how a Masters pre-sessional helped them adapt to study and life in the UK.

Benefits of studying pre-sessional English

  • Experience and adapt to academic study in the UK ahead of your degree. 
  • Improve your English language level, to meet the entry requirements for your Masters degree, if needed. 
  • Develop your academic English skills (including reading, writing, listening and speaking) at Masters level.
  • Become familiar with the University facilities such as libraries, study spaces and learning platforms.
  • Settle into Leeds and campus life before your degree begins.
  • Meet other Masters students and build a community of friends. 

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Studying a Masters pre-sessional at Leeds video transcript

Find the right pre-sessional course for you

We offer courses for Masters students, during the academic year and over the summer. In summer, courses are tailored specifically to your subject area.

Academic year courses

If you want to study a pre-sessional course starting in September/October or January, or you may need to study pre-sessional English for longer than 10 weeks. 

Summer courses

If you want to study a 10 or 6 week pre-sessional course during June to September.